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4: More women than men are getting tattooed today. 45: 43-year-old former soldier Shawn Clark has the names of all 232 British soldiers killed in Afghanistan tattooed on his back. 7: Lucky Diamond Rich of New Zealand is one of the tattooed people globally, and after running out of space, it has started putting lighter tattoos along with the darker ones, and vice versa. 50: One-third of Americans with tattoos say they make them feel sexier. 20: As of 2006, 1 in 4 women aged 18 to 50 have one or more tattoos. No one knows exactly why. 11: The record for the longest data sgp tattoo session is 43 hours and 50 minutes and was completed by the very observant and talented artist Melanie Grieveson of Australia.

8: Robbie “the coon” Koch recently broke the world’s record by inking 577 tattoos in 24 hrs. The old record was held by Kat Von D of the television show “LA Ink.” Update- Hollis Cantrell owns the record as of 2009 (801 tattoos), but Robbie the coon sounded better. 67: Ancient Egyptians used tattoos to differentiate between slaves and peasants. 21: U.S. President James Polk is said to be the first white man to undertake a Chinese character as a tattoo. 40: Over 40 million people in the U.S. 15: The second most common reason for tattoo removal is a mistranslation. 35: The first occurrence of the word tattoo in the Oxford English Dictionary came in 1769 and is credited to Captain John Cook.